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The Spanish-Language Experience:

When information is meaningful, participants act.

Inclusive. Relevant. Accessible.

The T. Rowe Price Spanish-language participant experience reflects our continued commitment to addressing the needs of your entire workforce.

Our Spanish-language educational portal, the Workplace Retirement Website homepage, and several additional offerings have been thoughtfully developed to provide relevant online and in-person experiences specifically for people who speak Spanish. The content includes education, live support and meetings, and engaging tools and resources.

What the Data Tell Us

More than two-thirds of Hispanic households aren’t saving enough for retirement through workplace vehicles.

Only 8% of Hispanic households report having an IRA or a similar private plan compared with 33% of white households. Morningstar, Inc., “A Closer Look Into the Finances of Hispanic American Households.” September 2021.

These numbers indicate a need for relevant and engaging content for Hispanic households to help them better prepare for their futures.

One-half of Spanish Portal visitors access the Workplace Retirement Website after visiting the Spanish-language portal.

Spanish Portal

Online resources—no login required.
Videos, articles, webinars, podcasts, and more—in Spanish—covering topics such as:

  • Why you should save for retirement
  • How much you should save for retirement
  • Types of retirement accounts and contributions
  • Financial wellness
  • How to invest, and asset allocation information
  • Savings content, and steps for having a successful retirement

Beyond translation: Our Spanish-language portal is more than a website of materials translated from English to Spanish. Spanish-speaking T. Rowe Price associates created the content specifically for Spanish-speaking participants—keeping trends, behaviors, and culturally defining factors in mind.

Spanish Web Experience

A comprehensive, always evolving online offering that includes the following:

  • Fully translated homepage
  • Navigation and action suggestions
  • Banner box personalized messaging
  • Fully translated Message Center
  • Account information and retirement progress
  • Investment mix information
  • Current contributions information and recommendations
  • Change contributions transaction1
  • Fully translated Plan Features SmartVideo

Participant interaction by the numbers

  • 54.3% of actions taken are change contributions versus 50.5% of English-language hompage visitors
  • 13.5% of actions taken are to enroll in the T. Rowe Price Automatic Increase service versus 10.9% of English-language homepage visitors
    1Available to participants in plans enabled for the Enhanced Deferral Experience.

In-Person Employee Education Meetings and Live Webinars

From day-to-day financial wellness to planning for retirement, our on-site and virtual meetings, offered in real time, provide relevant and useful strategies, tools, and resources for Spanish-speaking participants.

Backed by research:
Content and presentation style are both tailored to the Spanish-speaking population. T. Rowe Price conducted original research through user testing and focus groups to determine the content that would help Hispanic households overcome cultural barriers.

43% higher engagement vs. English webinars

Webinar topics include:

  • Savings concepts
  • Investing basics
  • Social Security
  • Roth
  • Financial wellness/budgeting essentials

Expanding the experience

We are continuing to expand the Spanish-language experience. Here is what you can expect.

Withdrawal Options Experience

Participants will be able to review their available withdrawal options in Spanish, and when they are ready to act, they will be able to easily manage their distribution transaction online.

Withdrawal Option SmartVideo

This personalized video will highlight the withdrawal options a participant has and educate them on how to go about making a decision.

  • Each participant’s SmartVideo is customized according to their real-time data.
  • SmartVideo viewers are 2x more likely to increase their deferral rate than nonviewers. 
  • 56% of visitors* to the Spanish Portal change their contribution rate. 
*Source: T. Rowe Price data reflect results from October 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023.

Contact Center

Spanish-speaking representatives are available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. eastern time at 1-800-368-2768.

600+ calls per week are directed to dedicated Spanish-speaking representatives.

Contact your T. Rowe Price representative to find out how we can take your plan to the next level.


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