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US Impact Equity Fund
Generare un impatto positivo sull'ambiente e sulla società investendo principalmente in investimenti sostenibili, rispetto ai quali si prevede che le attività commerciali attuali o future delle società genereranno un impatto positivo, incrementando al contempo il valore delle azioni del comparto a lungo termine mediante la crescita del valore dei suoi investimenti.
ISIN LU2531917834
Visualizza maggiori informazioni relative ai rischi
30-nov-2022 - Shawn T. Driscoll, Portfolio Manager,
We anticipate market volatility will persist as investors stay focused on elevated inflation, monetary tightening, and continued geopolitical uncertainty. Against the uncertain backdrop, we remain defensively positioned while actively seeking free cash flow generative businesses with attractive risk-adjusted return algorithms. We believe our lower-beta, high-quality tilt will provide attractive investment outcomes.

Performance - Al netto delle commissioni
30-nov-2022 - Shawn T. Driscoll, Portfolio Manager,
U.S. stocks rose in November, supported by a lower-than-expected inflation reading for October and indications that the Federal Reserve could slow the pace of its rate increases. At the portfolio level, the information technology sector contributed the most to relative performance due to favourable stock choices. Shares of a certain semiconductor company benefitted from ongoing positive sentiment around consensus-beating quarterly earnings and positive guidance reported at the end of October. The consumer discretionary sector supported results further due to stock selection and an underweight allocation. Our lack of exposure to the energy sector also contributed to relative results, as energy was one of the worst-performing sectors for the month. Conversely, the industrials and business services sector detracted the most from relative performance due to stock selection, notably within the professional services industry, although an overweight allocation to the sector tempered losses. The financials sector also held back relative results thanks to unfavourable security choices and an underweight position.
30-giu-2022 - Shawn T. Driscoll, Portfolio Manager,

Within the portfolio, our positioning is mainly driven by fundamental, stock-specific views. The turbulent environment offered us the opportunity to upgrade the quality of our holdings within certain sectors. During the quarter, we selectively added to high-quality names with attractive valuations and strong balance sheets. Conversely, we trimmed names where we did not have complete confidence in their balance sheets or where we found better risk/reward ideas. We will continue to look for high-quality companies that have opportunities to increase their market share or that have barriers to entry around their business that will allow them to grow organically in a variety of market environments.

Health Care

We have a favorable view of the health care sector as we believe the space offers compelling long-term return algorithms, low business model volatility, and relatively stable growth potential that can perform well over the long term. We favor companies that are well positioned to take advantage of long-term trends by offering highly innovative products. We have found intriguing investment opportunities in health care providers and services and biotechnology industries, among others.

  • HCA Healthcare is the largest publicly traded hospital operator in the U.S. We sold out of our holding, as we saw the lucrative benefits that HCA had derived from the coronavirus pandemic begin to wane, and we wanted to book profits and reinvest in a higher conviction name, albeit another COVID beneficiary, Quest Diagnostics.
  • Quest Diagnostics is one of the largest independent clinical laboratories and diagnostic testing companies in the U.S. Given its scale, Quest was and is a central player in COVID testing. We appreciate management's focus on sustaining growth rates while transitioning the business to a post-COVID environment. We believe Quest has opportunities to leverage their advanced diagnostic capabilities as well as to grow their direct consumer testing franchise.
  • Within biotechnology, we eliminated our position in AbbVie in favor of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. Regeneron is a commercial-stage biotechnology company with an attractive biologic treatment portfolio and drug pipeline anchored by blockbusters: retinal disease treatment Eylea and Dupixent, a monoclonal antibody used to treat allergic diseases. Recently, the firm reached an agreement with Sanofi to acquire the full global rights to Libtayo, another promising immuno-oncology drug franchise that Regeneron hopes to extend.


Within financials, we focus on owning high-quality companies that have strong balance sheets, leading industry positions, and diversified revenue streams. We have positioned the portfolio here to benefit from a rising property and casualty upcycle as well as short-term rate variability. Our largest industry weights are in insurance and banks.

  • We bought Progressive, a property and casualty insurance carrier and major player in the personal auto insurance market. We believe that Progressive's competitive advantages, including its low expense ratio, superior data and analytics, and excellent management systems, provide it with higher underwriting leverage and stronger margin potential that, in our view, should drive consistent return growth and a deserved premium valuation versus peers.
  • We view swapping out our position in Bank of New York Mellon for a new holding in JPMorgan Chase as a quality upgrade at an attractive risk/reward trade-off within financials. JPMorgan Chase is one of the four largest money center banks in the U.S. with an even mix of retail and wholesale businesses. We favor JPMorgan's scale, robust loan growth, attractive fee businesses, relatively conservative underwriting, and experienced management team in an uncertain macro backdrop.


We like the utilities sector because many of the companies offer durable earnings growth potential and strong free cash flow and have longer-term opportunities to benefit from an increase in renewable energy generation and electric grid modernization. Over the quarter, our exposure to the sector increased in both absolute and relative terms.

  • On a recent pullback in June, we initiated a position in Ameren, an electric and gas utility company serving Missouri and Illinois. We think that Ameren is a high-quality utility with a long runway for growth, as it has a solid management team, constructive�regulatory jurisdictions, multiple areas for upside optionality including renewables, and a top-tier balance sheet, and, in our view, is well-positioned for an inflationary environment.
  • We substantially sold down our holding in XCEL Energy and used the funds to purchase Ameren, which we view as an upgrade in quality in the utility space.

Communication Services

The communication services sector comprises a wide range of media, entertainment, and telecommunication services companies. We increased our underweight in the sector during the period. Our exposure is concentrated within the interactive media and services industry through Alphabet.

  • We eliminated Charter Communications in favor of other ideas with more upside potential. We felt that Charter may struggle to grow its subscriber base as competition in the space increases.
30-nov-2022 - Shawn T. Driscoll, Portfolio Manager,
Within the portfolio, our positioning is mainly driven by fundamental, stock-specific views. The turbulent environment has offered us the opportunity to upgrade the quality of our holdings within certain sectors. Over the month, we sold some shares of consumer staples, which represents one of our largest absolute sector weightings. One of our largest holdings in this space is a consumer goods company that specialises in a wide range of personal care and hygiene products. We also purchased shares of multi-utilities companies within utilities, one of our smaller absolute sector weightings.

Fonte dei dati per l’indice di riferimento: Standard & Poor’s

Fonte per la performance: T. Rowe Price. La performance del Fondo è calcolata utilizzando il NAV ufficiale con dividendi reinvestiti, se del caso. Il valore di un investimento e qualunque reddito da esso derivante possono salire o scendere. Gli investitori potrebbero non recuperare il capitale investito. Tale capitale sarà interessato dalle variazioni del tasso di cambio tra la valuta di base del fondo e la valuta di sottoscrizione, se diversa. Gli oneri di vendita (fino a un massimo del 5% per la Classe A), le tasse e gli altri costi applicati a livello locale non sono stati dedotti e, se applicabili, ridurranno le cifre della performance. La performance pregressa non è un indicatore affidabile dei risultati futuri. Gli indici mostrati non sono benchmark formali. Sono riportati unicamente a scopo comparativo.

I dati della performance giornaliera si basano sull’ultimo NAV disponibile. 

I Fondi sono comparti di T. Rowe Price Funds SICAV, societá d'investimento lussemburghese a capitale variabile,  registrata presso la Commission de Survillance du Secteur Financier e qualificata come "OICVM". Obiettivi, politiche d'investimento e rischi sono dettagliati nel prospetto disponibile con il documento contenente le informazioni chiave (KID) in inglese e italiano, assieme agli atti di incorporazione, statuti e relazioni annuali e semestrali (insieme "Documenti del Fondo"). Ogni decisione d'investimento va presa sulla base dei Documenti del Fondo disponibili gratuitamente richiedendoli al rappresentante locale, all'agente locale per le informazioni/ i pagamenti, ai distributori autorizzati. Questi, insieme alla sintesi dei diritti degli investitori in Inglese, sono disponibili anche via www. La Società di gestione si riserva il diritto di porre fine agli accordi di marketing.

Il fondo è soggetto a rischio di alta volatilità

Le classi di azioni coperte (indicate con H) utilizzano tecniche d’investimento volte a limitare il rischio valutario tra la/le valuta/e dell’investimento sottostante del fondo e la valuta della classe di azioni coperte. I relativi costi saranno a carico della classe di azioni e non sussiste alcuna garanzia di efficacia di detta copertura.

I titoli specifici individuati e descritti in questa relazione non rappresentano tutti i titoli acquistati, venduti o raccomandati per il comparto Sicav e non è possibile presumere che i titoli individuati e trattati si siano dimostrati o si dimostreranno redditizi.

Attribuzione: L’analisi rappresenta la performance totale del portafoglio calcolata in base al modello di attribuzione di FactSet, ed include altri asset a cui non verrà attribuita una classificazione nella struttura dettagliata riportata. I rendimenti non corrisponderanno alla performance ufficiale di T. Rowe Price in quanto FactSet utilizza fonti diverse per i tassi di cambio e non registra il trading infragiornaliero. La performance di ogni titolo è calcolata in valuta locale e, se del caso, viene convertita in dollari statunitensi usando un tasso di cambio determinato da un soggetto indipendente terzo. I dati sono indicati con dividendi lordi reinvestiti.

Fonti: Copyright © 2024 FactSet Research Systems Inc. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Settori GICS di MSCI/S&P; Analisi di T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. T. Rowe Price  utilizza i Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) di MSCI/S&P500 per il reporting globale e settoriale. Ogni anno MSCI e S&P apportano modifiche alla struttura dello standard GICS. L’ultima modifica è stata apportata il 28 settembre 2018. T. Rowe Price rispetterà ogni eventuale aggiornamento futuro dello standard GICS per il reporting prospettico.

Si può reperire, a titolo gratuito e su richiesta presso la sede legale della Società, una lista completa delle Classi di Azioni attualmente emesse, oltre alle categorie In Distribuzione, Coperte e In Accumulo.

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Citywire - Laddove il gestore del Fondo è classificato da Citywire, il rating si basa sulla performance triennale del gestore corretta per il rischio.