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Australian Unit Trust
Dynamic Global Bond Fund
A portfolio of global fixed-income securities with a focus on delivering sustainable income and minimising downside risk.

Class S PDS

Class I PDS

Client Fund Profile
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31-Dec-2024 - Scott Solomon, Co-Portfolio Manager,
We think bond yields can rise further given the U.S. Federal Reserve’s projections for higher growth and inflation, and fewer interest rate cuts. Speculation over the incoming U.S. government’s policies will continue to impact sentiment, while significant geopolitical risks persist. We will maintain a tactical approach, and liquidity, in order to adapt to changes.

Fund Summary
Seeks to generate positive returns from global fixed-income with a focus on downside risk and providing diversification from equity markets.
Performance - Net of Fees

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

30-Jun-2020 - Arif Husain, Head of Global Fixed Income and CIO,
Core government bonds were broadly stable during June, while risk assets, such as credit and equity, continued to perform well as the outlook for growth improved. In the U.S., Treasury yields ended the month little changed amid stronger-than-expected economic data releases and a dovish outlook from the U.S. Federal Open Market Committee. In the eurozone, periphery government bonds outperformed the core, supported by the European Central Bank (ECB) expanding monetary easing measures. At the portfolio level, our positive bias toward eurozone periphery countries had a positive impact, particularly our long duration postures in Italy and Cyprus. Our allocation to U.S. inflation-linked bonds also added gains, while our long duration position in the U.S. dragged on performance. In foreign exchange markets, our long positions in the Argentine peso and Brazilian real contributed, while a short position in the South Korean won and long position in the Japanese yen held back returns.
30-Jun-2020 - Arif Husain, Head of Global Fixed Income and CIO,
Within the eurozone, we increased our overall positive bias toward the periphery during June. We believe that the combination of ongoing strong support from the ECB and positive surprises coming from domestic and EU-wide fiscal initiatives will be supportive for the region. Accordingly, we increased our long duration stance in Italy and maintained positive biases in Cyprus and Spain.
30-Jun-2020 - Arif Husain, Head of Global Fixed Income and CIO,
In the currency sphere, our expectations for the European economy to recover faster than peers led us to initiate a new long position in the euro during June.

The Management Fee for the T. Rowe Price Dynamic Global Bond Fund is 0.40% p.a. and the Indirect Cost is 0.00% p.a. Full details of other fees and charges are available within the Fund's Product Disclosure Statement and Reference Guide.

Benchmark Data Source: Bloomberg. Benchmark returns are shown with gross dividends reinvested.


The specific securities identified and described in this website do not represent all of the securities purchased or sold for this fund. This information is not intended to be a recommendation to take any particular investment action and is subject to change. No assumption should be made that the securities identified were or will be profitable.

Unless otherwise specified, all fund ratings, awards and data are as of 31-Dec-2024 and sourced from T. Rowe Price. 

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For Wholesale Clients only.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The price of any fund may go up or down. Investment involves risk including a possible loss to the principal amount invested. For general information purposes only, does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular investor. For further details, please refer to each fund's product disclosure statement and reference guide which are available from Equity Trustees ( or TRPAU (

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