Samy Muaddi is a portfolio manager in the International Fixed Income Division, focused on emerging markets.
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Asset class figures and retirement percentage shown represent total assets under management of $1.569 trillion as of June 30, 2024. All amounts shown in U.S. dollars and subject to adjustment.
View the methodology of this analysis (PDF). The performance data shown is past performance and is no guarantee of future results. All investments are subject to risk, including the possible loss of principal. Results from other time periods may differ. Active investing may have higher costs than passive investing and may underperform the broad market or passive peers with similar objectives. Passive investing may lag the performance of actively managed peers as holdings are not reallocated based on changes in market conditions or outlooks on specific securities.
Analysis by T. Rowe Price. Comparable passive funds are (1) mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) classified as an "index fund" in the Morningstar Direct database and (2) in the same Morningstar category as the active funds being analyzed. All Active Managers represents the actively managed (non-"index fund") mutual funds and ETFs in the Morningstar Direct database, excluding those managed by T. Rowe Price. The performance of the T. Rowe Price active funds and the All Active Managers funds were compared against the comparable passive funds using 10-year rolling monthly periods from 1/1/04 to 12/31/23. The analysis was conducted at the Morningstar category level analyzing all open-end funds and ETFs within U.S. Morningstar categories where passive funds are present. Oldest share class returns are used for analysis. Money market funds are excluded from the analysis. 87 funds covering 7,603 rolling 10-year periods. 509 funds covering 41,596 rolling 10-year periods.
All data as of 31 December 2022, unless otherwise noted. Firmwide assets under management include assets managed by T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc., and its investment advisory affiliates. All amounts shown in US dollars.
¹ Figure shown is as of June 30, 2024. Subject to adjustment.
² Top Asset Management Firms ranked by total AUM as of March 31, 2024, compiled by ADV Ratings (
³ As of 12/31/23. Sway Research, LLC, "The State of the Target-Date Market: 2024."