T. Rowe Price Help Center
Facebook House Rules

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T. Rowe Price joined Facebook to give followers new opportunities to explore our investment information and our resources. Your comments are welcome and we encourage lively discussion; but we reserve the right to remove comments that violate our house rules.


Be Respectful: While we agree that it is okay to disagree, we insist that you be considerate of fellow followers. We will remove content and photos that is in violation of intellectual property rights or law, abusive, profane, or defamatory toward a person, belief, or T. Rowe Price – especially when the comment is off topic.

Personal Information: We believe it is important to protect the privacy of our followers and investors. Please do not share any personal information and, if you are an investor, details about your investment accounts on these Pages. We will remove any posting that includes personal or account information. By uploading any content or images to the T. Rowe Price Facebook page, you are licensing that content or image to T. Rowe Price.

Advice: Although we share information and resources to help investors make smart decisions, we do not provide specific product advice. We ask that you refrain from doing so also.

If you have specific investment questions, or if you would like to request a transaction on a new or existing account, we recommend you speak to a T. Rowe Price Investment Specialist by calling (877) 495-8440. We cannot provide individual customer service or process transaction orders through these pages.

Testimonials: We appreciate hearing that you received world-class service from our Associates and our Client Service team, but please do not post stories regarding how well a given investment, service or offering worked out for you. Due to our industry regulatory guidelines, we may also have to remove any posts that could be interpreted as an endorsement for or recommendation of T. Rowe Price or its investment products or services. Additionally, any posts that promote or link to outside products and services will be removed.

Facebook Terms of Service: Please read the Facebook terms of service. They are applicable to all activity on this Page. T. Rowe Price's privacy policy can be found here: https://www.troweprice.com/enterprise/legal/us/en/privacy-notices.html.


Facebook.com is owned by a third party unaffiliated with T. Rowe Price. T. Rowe Price is not responsible for and does not endorse any content, advertising, products, advice, opinions, recommendations, terms of use or privacy policies, or other materials on or available from followers or third parties, including Facebook. Any opinions expressed or comments posted by Facebook users are those of the persons submitting them and do not represent the views of T. Rowe Price. Any actions or engagement with other Facebook parties, including T. Rowe Price's use of the "like" function, is not an endorsement of the individual or organization. T. Rowe Price does not endorse content posted by third parties. T. Rowe Price reserves the right to block any commenter who posts content, or whose Facebook page contains content, that is deemed inappropriate or offensive. We may also block any commenter whose posts constitute testimonials, advice, recommendations, or advertisement for securities products or services, or any commenter who posts content, or whose Facebook page contains content, that is promotional in nature.

The investment products (including the T. Rowe Price mutual funds) or services referred to on these pages may be offered only to persons in the United States. These pages should not be considered a solicitation or offering of any investment products or services to investors residing outside the United States.

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