T. Rowe Price has long been committed to the retirement outcomes of public retirement systems. We offer clients a full spectrum of investment options, leveraging our proprietary fundamental research platform, as well as client-driven solutions to address your plan’s unique challenges and goals.
Nearly 50 years partnering with public plans to achieve retirement plan objectives
T. Rowe Price manages 100+ unique public retirement plans in the US across 41 states
AI will be disruptive. Growth investors should focus on what creates value over the long haul.
Some are predicting that GLP-1s could pose a disruptive threat to the medtech industry, as demand for medical devices and surgical procedures could be greatly reduced.
Shifting conditions should create new opportunities in private credit and private equity.
Rates have moved significantly higher and now, fixed income expected returns are more aligned with the typical public defined benefit plan’s objectives. Some plans may choose to revisit and increase their strategic asset allocation to fixed income. However, a dynamically-managed fixed income strategy can also play a key role in diversifying risk or enhancing return through the ability to adapt quickly to changing market conditions, allowing plans to diversify without modifying their long-term strategic allocations.
Markets are at a crossroads. Read our insights to find your balance.
Subscribe for email updates on our latest insights on Fixed Income.
The importance of DB plans in glide path evaluation.
Our team of relationship managers, located across the U.S., along with the firm’s deep bench of investment talent, are committed to helping public pensions meet their retirement objectives. Contact us if you have questions or would like more information.
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