
ISIN LU2187417386



2021年03月31日 - Wenli Zheng, 基金經理 ,

Focus on China's Future Winners Early in their Cycle

Our aim is to identify outlier companies, beyond the widely owned mega-cap stocks, that potentially offer durable growth that can compound over multiple years, accelerating growth from a new product or industry cycle, or special situation opportunities, as we look beyond short-term challenges to the longer-term prospects of the company. Simply put, we aim to invest in China's future winners early in their cycle.

As a result of this bottom-up stock selection, the fund's largest overweight positions are in the industrials and business services and consumer discretionary sectors. Conversely, the biggest sector underweights are in financials and communication services.

Industrials and Business Services

We are significantly overweight industrials and business services with positions across a wide variety of areas. Here, we have unearthed what we believe to be good business models and/or opportunities in industries with strong growth tailwinds.

  • We bought Shenzhen Megmeet Electrical, a supplier of industrial power sources, industrial automation products, and electric control products for smart home appliances. The firm has accelerated its production capacity expansion, R&D, and team building with the aim of realizing its 2025 revenue target of RMB 12 billion. We believe Megmeet new product launches are the start of a new chapter of long-term and steady growth for the company.
  • We bought Arctech Solar, which we view as a play on the solar theme as well as a penetration story. The company is a market leader in its field in China and one of the world's leading manufacturers and solution providers of solar tracking and racking systems. In our view, its differentiated technology and pricing power also gives the company lots of room to increase its penetration in the solar space.
  • We initiated a position in Yangzijiang Shipbuilding. We believe this is a value play on a global demand recovery; both shipping orders as well as the current idle fleet ratio are at record lows since the global financial crisis (GFC). Combined with a record-high freight rate, shipping lines could potentially accelerate their replacement processes and start a big order upswing cycle. Meanwhile, we believe the supply side has also improved tremendously after a decade-long consolidation process. With both strong demand and a disciplined supply, we could potentially be looking at one of the longest upswings since the GFC.

Consumer Discretionary

The portfolio has a sizable absolute position in the consumer discretionary sector and is overweight versus the benchmark. We have exposure to companies that we think are well placed to gain from powerful long-term themes, such as educational services and increasing household disposable income. We found some compelling investment opportunities in this space.

  • We bought Autel Intelligent Technology as a play on China's automotive aftermarket, which in our view has significant growth potential. The company is a leading supplier in China's high-profitability automotive intelligent diagnosis and detection industry. It launched a new product last year with a higher price point that is proving very popular, and further new product launches with large opportunity sets are anticipated. We also expect increased software revenue given requirements for updates post purchase.
  • We own a large position in JS Global Lifestyle, a leading producer of small household appliances, and continued to add to our exposure over the quarter. We believe that new product cycles, combined with deleveraging, can drive gains following several years of modest growth.
  • In contrast, we trimmed our position in Bafang Electric Suzhou, which is a leading manufacturer and distributor of electric bicycle driving components. During the quarter, we took advantage of share price strength to manage our exposure; however, we still find the business attractive long term given increasing penetration of e-bikes globally.


除另有說明外,所有基金評級、獎項和數據均截至 2024年09月30日,且相關數據來自普徠仕。 

SICAV是指普徠仕(盧森堡)系列。普徠仕(盧森堡)系列是一家盧森堡投資公司,具有可變資本,在盧森堡金融業監管委員會註冊(Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier),並獲認可為可轉讓證券集體投資計劃(「UCITS」)。

表現資料來源:普徠仕。基金表現使用資產淨值以股份類別貨幣計算,並將股息再作投資 (如有)。投資價值和任何所得收益可升可跌,投資者可能取回低於投資之金額。。此值會因基金的基本貨幣與認購基金之間的匯率變動 (如有不同) 而受到影響。銷售費用(A類最高可達5%)、稅款及其他當地適用的成本 (如適用) 皆尚未扣除,這些款項會降低表現數據。





香港 - 由普徠仕香港有限公司在香港發行,公司地址:香港中環干諾道中8號遮打大廈6樓。普徠仕香港有限公司由證券及期貨事務監察委員會 (Securities & Futures Commission) (「證監會」) 負責發牌及監管。本網站未經證監會審閱。



本網站持倉部分所示的十大貢獻因素及拖累因素數據,乃指截至 2024年09月30日 ,按正面或負面貢獻百分比計算的十大貢獻/拖累證券。

所示的個別主要貢獻因素及拖累因素數據,乃指截至 2024年09月30日 ,於十大基金表現貢獻因素及拖累因素當中,按基金規模百分比計算的最大貢獻/拖累因素。

