
  1. 本基金以主動方式管理及主要投資於亞洲公司股票的多元化投資組合。
  2. 投資於本基金涉及風險,包括一般投資風險、股票市場風險、剔除標準風險、與預託證券相關的風險、地理集中風險、中小市值股票風險、新興市場風險、新興國家股票市場大幅波動的相關風險、新興國家股票市場監管/交易所規定的相關風險、貨幣風險和互聯互通機制風險,並可能導致您損失部分或全部投資金額。
  3. 本基金可運用衍生工具作對沖及有效投資組合管理,因而涉及與衍生工具相關的風險。投資於衍生工具可能導致基金蒙受重大損失的風險。
  4. 本基金價值可以波動不定,並有可能大幅下跌。
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ISIN LU1044871579
2016年12月31日 - Eric C. Moffett, 基金經理,
Corporate earnings are recovering from years of stagnation and the secular trends that have fuelled the region’s rapid growth in the past such as accelerated urbanisation, rising wealth and improving living standards remain intact. Valuations are also attractive relative to the broader global equity market.



2016年12月31日 - Eric C. Moffett, 基金經理,
Asia ex-Japan equity markets retreated in December as the U.S. Federal Reserve’s hawkish guidance raised concerns of further weakness in the region’s currencies. The market also fretted about the liquidity crunch in China. Most sectors fell except for cyclicals such as energy and materials, the former due to higher oil prices. On a country basis, China detracted from relative performance the most due to stock selection. Stock picks in Taiwan and India also curbed returns while stock choices in Hong Kong and South Korea added value. At a sector level, stock selection and our overweight in real estate hampered returns the most. While not owning energy names also contributed to the weakness in portfolio performance, stock selection in consumer staples, financials and industrials worked for us.
2016年12月31日 - Eric C. Moffett, 基金經理,
The portfolio turned more neutral from underweight in materials as we increased holdings in China’s second largest cement producer, taking advantage of share price weakness, amid expectations of better fourth-quarter results and the rise in China property data and construction activity. We also added a South Korean petrochemical company, which has expanded into electronic vehicle (EV) batteries and is poised to benefit from EV launches. In the telecommunications sector, we turned neutral from underweight by buying more of China’s second largest integrated mobile operator, which in our view, is likely to benefit the most from the reform of state-owned enterprises in the country. Consumer staples remains one of our biggest sector overweights, and during the month we added shares of South Korea’s largest domestic cosmetics company that has expertise in managing multiple brands. In contrast, we reduced our overweight in real estate by selling shares in a commercial developer focusing on Beijing and Shanghai.
2016年12月31日 - Eric C. Moffett, 基金經理,
We have increased our underweight in Taiwan, our largest country underweight, by trimming our holdings in the world’s top contract chipmaker following its weaker-than-expected sales guidance for the first half of 2017. We are also more underweight in Singapore as we reduced our holdings in the island’s biggest conventional taxi company, whose overseas earnings have been hurt by translation losses following the weakness of the British pound. Its exemplary governance and upcoming bus transport reforms in Singapore make it a good holding, in our view. Conversely, we have reduced our underweight in South Korea by adding to our position in a petrochemical company, as discussed above. We also added to our exposure of a Hong Kong-listed life insurer, taking advantage of weakness in its share price due to concerns about the impact of further capital controls in China
