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Capital en riesgo. El rendimiento pasado no es un indicador fiable de los resultados actuales o futuros y no debe ser el único factor a tener en cuenta a la hora de seleccionar un producto o una estrategia.

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Future of Finance Equity Fund
Aumentar el valor de sus acciones a largo plazo a través de la revalorización de sus inversiones.
ISIN LU2531918139
Ver más información sobre riesgos
30-nov.-2022 - Johannes Loefstrand, Gestor de carteras,
The current global crisis brings investment opportunities, and the long-term growth outlook of many companies remains underpriced, in our view. We acknowledge that there will be individual winners and losers; therefore, careful stock picking in this highly inefficient region is key and forms the core of everything we pursue.

Descripción general
Rentabilidad (después de comisiones)
30-nov.-2022 - Johannes Loefstrand, Gestor de carteras,
Frontier equities delivered strong returns in November, rising alongside the broader emerging market universe and their developed markets peers. In terms of the portfolio, our choice of securities within real estate and communication services, and our underweight exposures to both of these sectors was beneficial to relative performance. Our stock picks in materials also boosted portfolio returns. Shares in a precious and base metals developer, for example, gained ground on indications that it is making strong progress with construction of the Vares silver project in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Conversely, our stock selection in Vietnam was a net drag on relative performance. This was due in large part to the position in a retailer of consumer electronics and home appliances. Its shares sold off sharply following a profit warning that reflected very weak discretionary spending, higher financing costs, and the grocery business taking longer than expected to reach profitability. We believe that once the company moves beyond the cyclical issues in the electronic business, its new food retail stores are well-placed to continue taking market share from traditional wet markets on a national scale.
30-sept.-2022 - Johannes Loefstrand, Gestor de carteras,

In the third quarter, most frontier markets experienced significant volatility and at times this was indiscriminate, with investors not taking into account underlying fundamentals. As a result, this led to what we believed to be attractive valuations, and we took the opportunity to add to our positions. In our view, frontier markets are home to many companies that offer attractive idiosyncratic "stories" or investment cases that are uncorrelated with market movements and trends; these can be powerful in the current volatile market environment. At the same time, we trimmed positions where we felt valuations had become stretched following a strong run in the share price or where we believed investment conditions had deteriorated.

As of the end of the review period, the portfolio's main country relative overweight positions included Vietnam, Kazakhstan, and, to a lesser extent, Pakistan. In the latter, we are positioned in exporters, which are benefiting from the weaker currency. Meanwhile, the main underweight positions were in Nigeria, Kenya, Iceland, and Oman.


We retain the view that the macroeconomic fundamentals in Vietnam are still intact, and longer term, we believe the anti-corruption campaign will be beneficial to Vietnam's development and maturation as an investment market. The authorities there have estimated that GDP growth was 13.6% in the third quarter of 2022, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently updated its growth forecasts to 7% for 2022 as a whole, the highest rate among major Asian economies. At the same time, inflation remains reasonably benign at around 3%?4%. Similarly, companies are reporting generally good operational momentum and guidance and the government has plans to stimulate the economy in 2023.

Vietnam remains a large country position in the portfolio, on both an absolute and a relative basis, and we further raised our exposure over the quarter. We felt that the recent market weakness had led some stocks to trade at very attractive valuations. We remain mindful, however, of valuations in some specific stocks that have done very well year-to-date and, therefore, trimmed certain positions.

  • We topped up our position in Vietnam Engine and Agricultural Machinery, a manufacturer of agricultural machines and a minority shareholder in several large multinational auto and motorcycle manufacturers. The company has a secured dividend yield, and its share price tends to be uncorrelated with that of other Vietnamese stocks. In our view, the company is inefficiently priced by the market and its current valuation does not reflect the strong earnings growth we expect over the next six to 18 months.
  • We added to our existing holding in Vietnam Dairy Products. We believe this consumer staples company will see earnings growth inflecting positively in the next 12 months, while the valuation remains at highly attractive levels.
  • We initiated a small position in FPT Digital Retail. The electronics retailer has been launching a very successful pharmacy chain, and we think it will be one of the winners in this space. The company currently has around 800 stores (with plans to have 3,000 by 2026), and we believe that by 2024 its pharmacy could make up more than half of sales.
  • We increased the size of our position in Khang Dien House. The real estate developer caters to Vietnam's growing middle and upper classes. We believe this is a high-quality developer with good corporate governance. The sector has recently significantly underperformed the market, and we took the opportunity to narrow the extent of our underweight positioning.
  • We booked some profits in Saigon Beer Alcohol Beverage (Sabeco). Our investment thesis, namely that the company is taking market share from rival Heineken, is playing out, and this remains a high-conviction name. However, the relative valuation is less attractive following the recent strong share price performance.


The portfolio is overweight Pakistan as we see a number of compelling investment opportunities in this frontier market. However, over the quarter, we reduced our position, largely for bottom-up stock-specific reasons. As mentioned above, we are mindful of managing portfolio position sizes in cases where share prices have been significant.

  • We took profits in TRG Pakistan, trimming our holding on valuation grounds. Having become oversold earlier this year, the stock undertook a reverse rally in the third quarter, and we believe there is limited upside from here in the near term. We still retain an off-benchmark position as we believe that the company provides exposure to areas that are likely to benefit from increasing outsourcing, such as artificial intelligence customer-focused support functions, digital marketing, and customer care businesses.


Over the course of the quarter, we moved further underweight in Kenya. We believe the macroeconomic environment in the country is unfavorable for investors.

  • We further trimmed our holding in Safaricom, the leading mobile operator in Kenya. We still have a high conviction in the name; however, we have concerns about the fragile macro environment and capital controls in Kenya and Ethiopia.


Over the course of the third quarter of 2022 we raised our exposure to this market, ending the period with a broadly neutral benchmark weighting.

  • We closed the underweight to regional bank Ahli United Bank, in Bahrain, in the lead-up to its merger with Kuwait Finance House. The date for the finalization of the merger was set for October 2, at which point the position would be eliminated.
  • We increased the size of our position in Aluminium Bahrain (Alba), one of the world's largest aluminum smelters outside of China. In our view, this is a good asset that is materially undervalued. We believe that the commodity has the potential to surprise on the upside and that there is a good risk/reward trade-off here. A potential cross-listing in Saudi Arabia is likely to serve as a catalyst to close the valuation gap to regional peers.


We trimmed our exposure to U.S.-listed technology names Globant and Endava. Both stocks were trading at quite elevated valuations, and we did not see significant further upside in the near term. We took advantage of the strong bounce in growth names in August.


We trimmed our existing holding in Nova Ljubljanska Banka, the dominant banking and financial group in Slovenia, which also operates in some neighboring countries in southeastern Europe. Although we continue to like the name, we believe financials, particularly those in Eastern Europe, will struggle in a recessionary environment.

30-nov.-2022 - Johannes Loefstrand, Gestor de carteras,
As of the end of November, the portfolio’s most significant sector overweight positions were in information technology and consumer discretionary, with underweight exposures in real estate, communications services, and energy. In recent months we have been trimming positions where we felt valuations had become stretched following a strong run in the share price or where we believed investment conditions had deteriorated.
30-nov.-2022 - Johannes Loefstrand, Gestor de carteras,
While our recent research trip to Vietnam confirmed that a cyclical downturn is undoubtedly unfolding there, we are of the view that the public and private sectors are better placed than in past downturns to weather this storm. While certain developers have been poorly governed and leveraged excessively, most of the property market and private banks have been reasonably prudent. Most companies that we met with are bracing themselves for a worsening economic backdrop by tightening their belts and deleveraging. In our view, compelling valuations are in general more than offsetting the cyclical downturn.

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Fuente de rentabilidad: T. Rowe Price. La rentabilidad del fondo se calcula utilizando el valor liquidativo oficial con reinversión de dividendos, en su caso. El valor de una inversión y de cualquier renta que genere puede bajar al igual que subir. Los inversores podrían no recuperar el importe invertido. Se verá afectado por los cambios en el tipo de cambio entre la divisa base del fondo y la divisa de suscripción, si es diferente. Las comisiones de suscripción (hasta un máximo del 5% para la Clase A), impuestos y demás costes locales no se han deducido y en su caso se reducirán de las cifras de rentabilidad.
La rentabilidad pasada no es un indicador fiable de rendimiento futuro.
Los índices que se muestran no son índices de referencia formales. Se muestran únicamente a efectos comparativos.

Los datos de rentabilidad diaria se basan en el valor liquidativo disponible más reciente. 

Los Fondos son subfondos del T. Rowe Price Funds SICAV, una sociedad de inversión de Luxemburgo con capital variable que está registrada ante la Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, habilitada como organismo de inversión colectiva en valores mobiliarios (undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities, UCITS). Los detalles completos de los objetivos, las políticas y los riesgos de inversión se encuentran en el folleto que está disponible con los documentos de información clave en inglés y en una lengua oficial de las jurisdicciones en las que los Fondos estén registrados para la venta pública, junto con los estatutos y los informes semestrales y anuales (de manera conjunta, los «Documentos del fondo»). Toda decisión de invertir deberá basarse en los Documentos del Fondo, que pueden obtenerse de forma gratuita del representante local, el agente de información/agente de pagos local o los distribuidores autorizados. También se puede acceder a estos documentos así como a un resumen en inglés de los derechos de los inversores en La sociedad gestora se reserva el derecho de rescindir los acuerdos de comercializacion.

La rentabilidad del fondo tiene un riesgo de alta volatilidad.

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Atribución: El análisis representa la rentabilidad total de la cartera, calculada según el modelo de atribución de FactSet, e incluye otros activos a los cuales no se asigna ninguna clasificación en la estructura detallada que se muestra aquí. Las rentabilidades no coincidirán con la rentabilidad oficial de T. Rowe Price, porque FactSet utiliza diferentes fuentes de tipos de cambio y no recoge la negociación intradía. La rentabilidad de cada título se obtiene en la divisa local y, en caso necesario, se convierte en dólares estadounidenses utilizando un tipo de cambio determinado por un tercero independiente. Las cifras se muestran con los dividendos brutos reinvertidos.

Fuentes: Copyright © 2024 FactSet Research Systems Inc. Todos los derechos reservados. Sectores MSCI/S&P GICS; Análisis llevado a cabo por T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. T. Rowe Price utiliza el estándar de clasificación sectorial global (GICS) de MSCI/S&P para la comunicación de información sectorial e industrial. Cada año, MSCI y S&P efectúan cambios en la estructura de GICS. El último cambio tuvo lugar el 28 de septiembre de 2018. T. Rowe Price se ajustará a todos los cambios futuros del GICS para sus futuras comunicaciones.

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