  1. 本基金以主動方式管理及主要投資於具有潛力取得高於平均及可持續盈利增長率的公司股票的多元化投資組合。該等公司可能遍佈世界各地,包括新興市場。
  2. 投資於本基金涉及風險,包括一般投資風險、地理集中風險、貨幣風險、股票市場風險、與預託證券相關的風險、剔除標準風險和風格風險,並可能導致您損失部分或全部投資金額。
  3. 本基金可運用衍生工具作對沖及有效投資組合管理,因而涉及與衍生工具相關的風險。投資於衍生工具可能導致基金蒙受重大損失的風險。
  4. 本基金價值可以波動不定,並有可能大幅下跌。
  5. 投資者不應僅根據本[文件/網站]而投資於本基金 。


ISIN LU0143551892
2016年12月31日 - David J. Eiswert, 基金經理,
There remain many uncertainties at the global macro level, and the first 100 days of Donald Trump’s presidency in 2017 will be watched with great intensity by markets. We believe this will result in ongoing market volatility, as well as likely stock and sector rotation. Knowing the stocks you want to buy and being confident enough to buy them during periods of weakness is going to be an ongoing necessity.



2016年12月31日 - David J. Eiswert, 基金經理,
Global equities rose in December as investors took on more risk amid increasing optimism in developed regions, and emerging markets recouped some of their losses from recent months. Stock selection in consumer discretionary, coupled with our overweight position, detracted the most from relative performance, most notably our holdings in Dicks Sporting Goods, L Brands, and Coach. Both our stock picks and our overweight exposure to information technology names also hindered gains, particularly our positions in Alibaba Group, Splunk, and salesforce.com. On the positive side, stock selection in financials helped relative returns, led by Bank Central Asia, TD Ameritrade, and CME Group. At the regional level, our holdings in developed Europe proved detrimental.
2016年12月31日 - David J. Eiswert, 基金經理,
We have high conviction in the information technology sector, as this is an area where rapid market share shifts mean growth companies are plentiful, regardless of the broader macroeconomic environment. The shifts toward greater connectivity, mobility, and use of cloud software applications are powerful long-term trends, and the markets for consumer and enterprise technology products are expanding in all regions. Rapid growth in the use of the Internet, particularly in Asia, has yielded many compelling opportunities with long-term growth stories.