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Tectonic Shifts 
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The global economy has experienced major shifts in the past few years, and investors will need to keep pace with ongoing change. ​​

Economic indicators are distorted, and fixed income markets are vastly different. Equity markets have become highly concentrated but may offer​ new opportunities for investors willing to taking a broader view. ​​

Attentive investors can find reasons for caution, but optimism heading into 2024.


Summary with Investment Specialist Ritu Vohora

Key takeaways from our 2024 Global Market Outlook.

Tactical Allocation Views

As of 30 November 2023

Investment professionals from the T. Rowe Price Multi-Asset Division presents their​views on the relative attractiveness of asset classes and subclasses over next 6 to 18 months.

2023 Global Tactical Views

Valuations are broadly neutral with pockets of opportunity. We expect earnings to remain resilient in the near term, but global growth remains uncertain due to lagged effects of tighter monetary policy.

Yield levels are attractive relative to recent history. However, increased supply and sticky inflation could be headwinds, particularly for longer-term bonds. Credit fundamentals remain supportive. 

With many central banks on hold, cash provides liquidity and continues to offer relatively attractive yields. However, the trajectory of easing could drive yields lower in the back half of the year.

This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be investment advice or a recommendation to take any particular investment action. 

Earnings growth expectations for 2024 approach double digits as U.S. economic activity has proven resilient thus far. Valuations are full. Higher rates will pressure companies with high interest expenses.

Valuations are attractive on a relative basis, but the growth outlook remains challenged for some major economies, particularly Europe and China. Lower rates could support more rate-sensitive economies. 

Valuations and currencies are attractive. Monetary easing could support growth. Chinese equities reflect headwinds amid housing sector concerns, but other regions should benefit from rebounding exports.

The asset classes across the equity and fixed income markets shown are represented in our multi‑asset portfolios. Certain style and market capitalization asset classes are represented as pairwise decisions as part of our tactical asset allocation framework.
This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be investment advice or a recommendation to take any particular investment action. Information and opinions, including forward looking statements, are derived from proprietary and non‑proprietary sources deemed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as to accuracy.

Yields are broadly attractive. We favor core and shorter duration as long-term bonds could remain vulnerable to inflation and heavy new supply. Credit fundamentals remain supportive.

Global central banks appear to be near peak tightening as inflation shows signs of slowing. Yields look attractive on a USD‑hedged basis.

Longer‑term yields likely are near a peak but remain vulnerable to increased supply and sticky inflation. Treasuries should offer ballast to risk assets as correlations are expected to decline.

Break‑even yields reflect a continued deceleration in inflation. Signs of inflation reaccelerating could present a reentry point.

Attractive yields should provide a cushion if spreads widen. Credit fundamentals remain strong, and while default rates could rise, we do not expect them to exceed their historical averages.

The asset classes across the equity and fixed income markets shown are represented in our multi‑asset portfolios. Certain style and market capitalization asset classes are represented as pairwise decisions as part of our tactical asset allocation framework.
This material is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to be investment advice or a recommendation to take any particular investment action. Information and opinions, including forward looking statements, are derived from proprietary and non‑proprietary sources deemed to be reliable but are not guaranteed as to accuracy.


Watch the webinar

Our chief investment officers weigh in on the state of markets and the economy heading into 2024.


Regional Outlooks

Key areas of focus for investors in markets around the world.

European Market Outlook

Europe must tread a fine line to avoid stagnation

Asia ex-Japan Market Outlook

Where we see opportunities in Asia ex-Japan equities

China Market Outlook

Time to revisit an unloved asset class

Japan Market Outlook

Economic momentum and growth supportive policies underpin Japan’s renaissance



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