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May 2023 / VIDEO

Making the Benefit Connection Webinar

The importance of defined benefit plans in glide path evaluation.

Many employers have made changes to their overall retirement plan offerings over the years, resulting in a wide range of defined benefit (DB) and defined contribution (DC) plan access options across different participant groups. Some employers maintain open and ongoing DB plans, others have closed their plans to certain participants, and some have decided to freeze these benefits for participants entirely. In this webinar, we explore how DB plan access should impact sponsor decisions related to DC plan glide path evaluation, including:

  • Overview of our framework for evaluating glide paths holistically
  • Discussion of how to account for differing DB access across a single employee population
  • Understanding how the wealth provided by the DB plan is often offered at the opportunity cost of a richer DC plan
  • Discussion of the impact of various DB plan designs on resulting suitable glide paths
  • Investigation of employee savings behavior and retirement age decision-making on glide path suitability.

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