A consolidated TRPLUX Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors
The European Commission adopted an ambitious and comprehensive package of measures to help improve the flow of money towards sustainable activities across the European Union (EU), making the EU a global leader in setting standards for sustainable finance.
At T. Rowe Price we are committed to providing our clients and shareholders with clear and transparent disclosures in relation to sustainability risks, the consideration of adverse sustainability impacts on our investment processes and sustainability-related information of our financial products.
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A consolidated TRPLUX Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors
A statement on how sustainability risks are integrated in our Remuneration Policy
The EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) aims to increase transparency by requiring standardised disclosure of whether and how investment managers and their funds consider Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors. This is to improve the comparability of these types of funds, reduce the occurrence of adverse sustainability impacts and greenwashing, and provide specific information for investors to better understand the environmental and/or social characteristics or objectives of the funds As part of this disclosure products across our T. Rowe Price Luxembourg (TRPLUX) ranges were classified as article 6, article 8 or article 9, as defined by SFDR.
For our article 8 and 9 funds, the SFDR disclosures and reporting have been added as Sustainability Annexes in the funds’ prospectus documents, the website Sustainability-related fund disclosures and periodic assessments within our Annual Reports. You can access these via:
For the TRPLUX separate accounts we’ve worked with our clients to incorporate the SFDR disclosures, as appropriate, for the portfolios we manage on their behalf. Speak with your local relationship manager for details.
As part of changes introduced by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) asset managers are required to understand more detail about the sustainability preferences regarding the portfolios that we manage for our clients.
Sustainability Preferences mean our client’s choice as to whether and, if so, to what extent, one or more of the following shall be integrated into the portfolios that we manage for them:
The European ESG Template (EET) is the FinDatEx data exchange template for ESG data
The provision of the EET data in relation to the TRPLUX funds is not a regulatory requirement; however, enables product providers like T. Rowe Price to offer required information to distributors to enable them to comply with their own regulatory obligations and discuss with the clients their “Sustainability Preferences”.
From June 2022, on a monthly basisT. Rowe Price shares the EET with distributors of TRPLUX SICAV fund ranges. The EET only applies to our SICAV funds, not to separate accounts or other vehicles.
For professional clients and distributors only. Not for retail distribution. This document is being furnished for general information only. Please note that funds may not all be registered for distribution in your country. This document does not constitute a marketing communication, an investment advice, a distribution, an offer, an invitation, a personal or general recommendation or solicitation to sell or buy any funds or securities in any jurisdiction or to conduct any particular investment activity. In addition, the document is not intended for use by persons in jurisdictions which prohibit or restrict the distribution of the material and in certain countries the material is provided upon specific request. Information presented have been obtained or derived from sources believed to be reliable and current; however, we cannot guarantee the sources' accuracy or completeness.
SICAV labelling represents the T. Rowe Price Funds SICAV, a Luxembourg UCITS. SICAV III labelling represents the Select Investment Series III SICAV, a Luxembourg UCITS.