Social Security Retirement Benefits

Estimate when to start collecting retirement benefits to help optimize your income in retirement.

What is the optimal age to take Social Security retirement benefits?

If you’re over age 35, the Social Security Optimizer can help estimate the optimal age to start collecting benefits, which could result in a greater cumulative lifetime benefit.

Determining when to start receiving Social Security is an important part of retirement planning

The Social Security retirement benefit is meant to replace part of your income when you either retire or reduce the amount you work as you age. It’s typically received as a monthly check that can help create income in retirement.

Although you may be eligible to take benefits as early as age 62, waiting until you’re older could increase the amount you receive, depending on your life expectancy. If you’re retiring with a partner, then it’s even more important to find the optimal time for each of you to start collecting benefits as a part of your larger retirement strategy.

Get an optimization strategy

Answer a few questions, and the Social Security Optimizer will estimate the:

  • Optimal age for you to take Social Security
  • Optimal age for your partner to take Social Security, if applicable
  • Social Security benefit amount you will receive

Why is it important to optimize your benefits?

There are many factors that contribute to estimating when the best time to start receiving benefits could be. These range from highest level of income, to marital status, to life expectancy, and more. By optimizing your Social Security retirement benefits, you could:

Increase the likelihood of maximizing your cumulative lifetime benefits.

Reduce the probability of exhausting your financial assets.

Frequently asked questions

How much income could I receive in retirement?

You can estimate your total monthly retirement income, and receive tips that could help improve your outlook, by using our Retirement Income Planner.

Explore additional resources

The information provided in the Social Security Optimizer is for general and educational purposes only, and is not intended to provide legal, tax, or investment advice. This tool allows you to explore hypothetical scenarios for claiming Social Security benefits. Results are intended as an aid, are not guaranteed, and should not be your only source of information when making financial decisions. Please consider your own circumstances before deciding which claiming strategy is appropriate and seek independent legal, financial, and tax advice before making any decisions. Other T. Rowe Price educational tools or advice services may use different assumptions and methods and may yield different results.


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