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Environmental, Social and Governance

Take a look at our thinking on ESG.

Environmental, Social and Governance

ESG at T. Rowe Price

"Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors can impact the sustainability and long-term success of businesses. Identifying, analyzing, and integrating information about ESG risks and opportunities help enhance our ability to make better investment decisions and pursue better outcomes for our investors. We also believe that our clients should be able to invest in a way that aligns with their values on ESG issues."

Rob Sharps, President & CEO1

ESG Investing Annual Report

Latest ESG Investing Annual Report​

Learn about our ESG capabilities, approach to ESG integration, company engagements, and proxy voting activities on our ESG Investing Reporting hub.


Case Study: The World Bank Amazon Reforestation-Linked Outcome Bond

A discussion with Ellen O’Doherty, Analyst, Impact Credit on a pioneering outcomes-based transaction.


Case Study: The Plastic Waste Reduction-Linked Bond 

A discussion with Tongai Kunorubwe, Head of ESG, Fixed Income on an innovative bond market transaction.

The Blue Economy - Making Waves

T. Rowe Price and the International Finance Corporation (part of the World Bank Group) are partnering to grow the blue bond market to address the planetary and societal risks posed by the current underfunding of the blue economy.

 Invest in companies which make an impact 

Impact Investing

We believe we can generate both compelling investment returns and social and environmental impacts for our investors.


Our ESG Integration Approach

Find out more about how we integrate ESG into our investment research process.

In Focus

Net Zero
Asset Managers

We have joined the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative to support the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner


ESG reporting for our funds

Click here for the latest Proxy Voting Summary, Carbon Footprint Analysis and ESG Reports



Climate related Financial Disclosure in line with TCFD Recommendations

T. Rowe Price International Ltd Report


Latest Insights

19 November 2024 / From the Field

Increased climate oversight in Europe

Increased climate oversight in Europe: A competitive challenge for banks

Increased climate oversight in Europe: A...

European banks face tougher climate regulations compared with U.S. banks, impacting...

By Joseph Baldwin

Joseph Baldwin Analyst, Responsible Investing

27 August 2024 / From the Field

Could GLP-1s help rebalance the food trilemma?

Could GLP-1s help rebalance the food trilemma?

Could GLP-1s help rebalance the food trilemma?

Anti-obesity medications could play a key role in balancing the food trilemma.

By Ross Abaya & Daniel Ryan

By Ross Abaya & Daniel Ryan


No green without blue: How blue bonds could support climate goals

No green without blue: How blue bonds could support climate goals

No green without blue: How blue bonds could...

Earth’s oceans capture the majority of the global CO2 produced by humans

By Tongai Kunorubwe & Willem Visser

By Tongai Kunorubwe & Willem Visser


For or against? The year in shareholder resolutions—2023

For or against? The year in shareholder resolutions—2023

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With environmental and social proposals in the spotlight, case‑by‑case insights were...

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As climate risks intensify, investment analysis must rise to the challe...

As climate risks intensify, investment analysis must rise to the challenge

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Addressing the challenge of integrating climate change dynamics into investment decision-m...

By Maria Elena Drew

Maria Elena Drew Director of Research, Responsible Investing, TRPA


Counting the Cost of Biodiversity Loss

Counting the Cost of Biodiversity Loss

Counting the Cost of Biodiversity Loss

Addressing the challenge of integrating biodiversity into investment analysis

By Tongai Kunorubwe

Tongai Kunorubwe TRPA Head of ESG, Fixed Income

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1Used with permission. PRI is not affiliated with T. Rowe Price. For reference, please refer to the PRI assessment methodology and the T. Rowe Price Transparency Report. Under the PRI’s transparency requirements, all signatories complete an annual self-assessment. A significant portion of this report must be publicly disclosed on the PRI’s web site.