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Capital en riesgo. El rendimiento pasado no es un indicador fiable de los resultados actuales o futuros y no debe ser el único factor a tener en cuenta a la hora de seleccionar un producto o una estrategia.

Los fondos listados no son una enumeración exhaustiva de los fondos disponibles. Visite para acceder a la gama completa de fondos de T. Rowe Price, incluidos aquellos que tienen en cuenta características medioambientales y sociales en su proceso de inversión. Para obtener información actualizada sobre la estrategia de inversión de cualquier fondo de T. Rowe Price, consulte el KID y el folleto del respectivo fondo. 

T. Rowe Price Global Growth Equity Net Zero Transition Fund
Una cartera orientada al crecimiento, gestionada activamente, de entre 150 y 200 empresas, que busca aprovechar las mejores ideas de nuestro equipo de investigación global. El fondo ofrece una amplia exposición al universo de la renta variable mundial, tanto a los mercados desarrollados como a los emergentes, invirtiendo en unos 30 países. El fondo pretende apoyar la transición hacia el cero neto incrementando con el tiempo la alineación de la cartera con el cero neto mediante el compromiso y otras técnicas de gestión. El fondo está clasificado como artículo 8 según el Reglamento de Divulgación de Finanzas Sostenibles (SFDR).
ISIN LU2098778991
Ver más información sobre riesgos
30-abr.-2020 - Scott Berg, Gestor de carteras,
Even though we do not believe we are experiencing a long-term economic crisis as a result of the coronavirus, in the short term, individuals and companies face an issue of financing rents and expenses. The path to full economic activity is uncertain, implying that we should employ prudent diversification and risk management through the stages of the recovery and any negative surprises, which will be part of that journey.

Descripción general
Resumen del fondo
Buscamos invertir en empresas duraderas de alta calidad con perspectivas de crecimiento sostenible. Buscamos empresas en sectores atractivos con unos fundamentamentales que mejoran y un potencial de crecimiento de los beneficios superior a la media y sostenible, cuando creemos que las valoraciones nos ofrecen un potencial alcista de alta convicción. La promoción de las características medioambientales y sociales se logra a través del compromiso del fondo de mantener al menos el 50% del valor de su cartera invertido en Inversiones Sostenibles, al tiempo que aspira a que el 100% del valor de la cartera haya logrado la transición necesaria para limitar el calentamiento global a 1,5 grados en 2050. El gestor de inversiones aplica las siguientes estrategias de inversión: marco del Plan de Transición a un Futuro Cero, incluido el compromiso, la exposición a inversiones sostenibles y la aplicación de una pantalla de exclusión responsable. El gestor no está limitado por el índice de referencia del fondo, que se utiliza únicamente a efectos de comparación de la rentabilidad.
Rentabilidad (después de comisiones)
29-feb.-2020 - Scott Berg, Gestor de carteras,
Global equities tumbled in February as the continued spread of the coronavirus beyond China, with acute outbreaks in Italy, South Korea, and Iran, spurred fears of a global pandemic and slowing growth. Within the portfolio, information technology (IT) contributed the most to relative returns. Shares of video conferencing solutions firm Zoom Video spiked over the month. As the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread worldwide and businesses deploy contingency plans like working from home, Zoom’s video conferencing technology could become more in-demand, and other investors appeared to recognise this. We think Zoom Video has an outstanding product with better technology than competitors that can address a widespread pain point (unreliable video conferencing from work and home). Conversely, a combination of stock selection and an underweight to real estate modestly held back relative performance. Logistics distribution warehouse operator Prologis fell amid concerns that slowing global growth from the coronavirus outbreak could be a headwind for the firm’s business. We think Prologis represents a durable, long-term growth opportunity given its exposure to fast-growing markets like e-commerce. We also think the management team is top-notch and believe its ability to create a one-stop shop for organisations looking to build a national logistics network is underappreciated.
30-jun.-2022 - Scott Berg, Gestor de carteras,

Global equity markets experienced an acute, near-indiscriminate selloff during the quarter as investors began to price in the possibility of a recession and concerns that central banks would not be able to create a "soft landing" in their efforts to tame inflation. As always, we remain focused on maintaining a broadly balanced portfolio with sector exposures that are relatively neutral to our core benchmark. We are cognizant of building the portfolio for tomorrow, rather than owning what has worked in the recent past. Despite the challenges of 2022, we have high conviction in our current positions with a strong enduring bias toward companies in highly attractive industries where dynamics such as low penetration and long runways will lead to high and sustained levels of growth. Extending our return horizon and thinking beyond the short-term market narrative have allowed us to be contrarian in the past and have contributed to our longer-term outperformance.

Sector-wise, we favor the consumer discretionary and information technology sectors as we believe there are strong secular tailwinds in key areas that should benefit over the long term. We find fewer opportunities in areas like energy and consumer staples, though recent market movements have created opportunities for us to add selectively to those areas. Regionally, we continue to favor fast-growing emerging market countries that have low debt-to-gross domestic product ratios and attractive demographic growth, such as India, Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Despite near-term challenges, we are also finding opportunities in China, with an emphasis on domestic exposure to areas like information technology and health care, where we believe there is a lot of innovation and the government is focused on building vibrant domestic industries.

Consumer Discretionary

We are focused on leaders within the global online retail and consumer services ecosystems. COVID-19 has pulled forward years of e-commerce share gains, and we have an expanded and diverse set of names levered to that trend. We continue to think the market is severely underestimating the profound effect the pandemic has had on the consumer landscape. It is now vital for companies to view their businesses through an omnichannel lens, and it is no longer an option for businesses to ignore the need for an online presence.

  • We sold shares of to manage our position size. We continue to have a favorable view of the company's cloud business and think its advertising business should continue to grow nicely as well. However, results over the next couple of quarters are likely to be somewhat challenged in a weaker consumer and economic environment, and we chose to scale back the magnitude of our bet.
  • We sold shares of European fashion retailer ASOS. The company faces a challenging macroeconomic backdrop as European consumers wrestle with rising inflation and slowing growth, made more acute due to its proximity to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. As such we chose to reallocate to names where we have higher conviction.


We favor the materials sector. Within the sector, we have largely neutralized exposure to metals and mining and have maintained a diversified approach that includes positions in chemicals, where the Russia-Ukraine conflict has contributed to increased demand and tightening supply, and packaging, where there are multi-year secular tailwinds. We see the materials sector as an opportunity to own companies that will have a positive impact on sustainability and the environment, but also recognize that we could be in a prolonged period of higher commodity prices due to the situation in Ukraine.

  • We purchased shares of Sweden-based mining and smelting company Boliden. We think Boliden is one of the highest-quality names in the metals and mining space, with a thoughtful yet opportunistic management team that has a history of creating value for shareholders by investing countercyclically, keeping leverage low, lowering costs through efficiencies and technology, and dampening volatility with its smelting business.


We started positions in several of the platform's highest-conviction ideas within the sector during the most recent quarter, skewing towards those aiding energy transition in Europe that are relatively cleaner from an ESG perspective. While we continue to expect a normalization of energy prices as exogenous factors reverse and productivity continues to improve, we recognize that we cannot know exactly how the Ukraine crisis will unfold going forward, exacerbating the high level of uncertainty around the timing and path of normalization.

  • We purchased shares of Baker Hughes, one of the world's largest oil field services companies. With the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the global energy supply chain will need to be retooled, and we think Baker Hughes will be a beneficiary of a multiyear runway of increased capital expenditures to help with that retooling, particularly on the natural gas and liquefied natural gas side.
  • We bought shares of European oil and gas exploration and production firm Galp Energia. We think Galp Energia offers unique and high-quality exposure to European energy, with a diversified asset base and good balance sheet. In particular, we think the company's Brazilian pre-salt and Mozambique liquid natural gas assets offer a long runway for growth.

Health Care

The long-term secular tailwinds for the health care sector remain in place. Within the sector, we have meaningful exposure to life sciences tools and services companies making biologics or facilitating research and development efforts for companies in the biopharma space, as well as equipment and supplies companies focused on medical diagnostics and testing. Within pharmaceuticals, we continue to invest in highly innovative companies with diverse product portfolios and promising pipeline assets. We also own companies tied to the ongoing secular trend of robotic surgery and have exposure to U.S. managed care where fundamentals remain strong, and valuations are attractive.

  • We sold shares of Argenx, an antibody platform company developing novel therapies in autoimmune diseases and cancer, on strength. The company's therapy Vyvgart has a best-in-class profile with a first-mover advantage across several indications, and we think some earlier stage programs such as ARGX-117, which is a novel complement (C2) inhibitor, could be sources of long-term value creation for the company.
30-abr.-2020 - Scott Berg, Gestor de carteras,
Advancements in areas like artificial intelligence (AI) and enterprise software are not only affecting technology companies, but also reshaping more traditional industries once viewed as less susceptible to business model disruption. Despite the near-term uncertainty and volatility created by the coronavirus outbreak, the powerful long-run trends that we believe will drive value creation in the technology sector remain in play. Meanwhile, the aftereffects from the virus outbreak could also result in lasting behavioural changes with more people working remotely and payment methods skewing more digitally. As a result, software and electronic payments are areas of focus within our IT sector exposure. We believe we also remain positioned to benefit from increasing AI adoption as well as the growing technology consumption in emerging markets.

SICAV III labelling represents the Select Investment Series III SICAV, a Luxembourg UCITS.

La rentabilidad del fondo tiene un riesgo de alta volatilidad.

Fuente de datos de índice de referencia: MSCI. MSCI no formula declaraciones ni garantías, expresas o implícitas, y declina toda responsabilidad con respecto a cualesquiera datos de MSCI incluidos en este documento. Los datos de MSCI no podrán redistribuirse ni utilizarse de forma ulterior como fundamento para otros índices o cualesquiera valores o productos financieros. Este informe no ha sido autorizado, revisado ni elaborado por MSCI.

Fuente de rentabilidad: T. Rowe Price. La rentabilidad del fondo se calcula utilizando el valor liquidativo oficial con reinversión de dividendos, en su caso. El valor de una inversión y de cualquier renta que genere puede bajar al igual que subir. Los inversores podrían no recuperar el importe invertido. Se verá afectado por los cambios en el tipo de cambio entre la divisa base del fondo y la divisa de suscripción, si es diferente. Las comisiones de suscripción (hasta un máximo del 5% para la Clase A), impuestos y demás costes locales no se han deducido y en su caso se reducirán de las cifras de rentabilidad. La rentabilidad pasada no es un indicador fiable de rendimiento futuro. Los índices que se muestran no son índices de referencia formales. Se muestran únicamente a efectos comparativos.

Los datos de rentabilidad diaria se basan en el valor liquidativo disponible más reciente. 

Los Fondos son subfondos del Select Investement Series III SICAV, una sociedad de inversión de Luxemburgo con capital variable que está registrada ante la Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, habilitada como organismo de inversión colectiva en valores mobiliarios (undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities, UCITS). Los detalles completos de los objetivos, las políticas y los riesgos de inversión se encuentran en el folleto que está disponible con los documentos de información clave (KID) en inglés y en una lengua oficial de las jurisdicciones en las que los Fondos estén registrados para la venta pública, junto con los estatutos y los informes semestrales y anuales (de manera conjunta, los «Documentos del fondo»). Cualquier decisión de inversión debe hacerse en base a los Documentos del fondo que se pueden obtener de forma gratuita del representante local, del agente de información local/agente pagador o de los distribuidores autorizados. También se puede acceder a estos documentos así como a un resumen en inglés de los derechos de los inversores en La sociedad gestora se reserva el derecho de rescindir los acuerdos de comercializacion. 

Las clases de acciones cubiertas (denotadas por 'h') utilizan técnicas de inversión para mitigar el riesgo de divisa entre la divisa o divisas de inversión subyacentes del Fondo y la divisa de la clase de acciones cubierta. Los costes de hacerlo serán soportados por la clase de acciones y no existe garantía de que dicha cobertura sea efectiva.

Los títulos específicos identificados y descritos en este informe no representan todos los títulos comprados, vendidos o recomendados para el subfondo SICAV y no se deben realizar suposiciones respecto a que los títulos identificados y analizados registraron o registrarán rentabilidad.

Se puede obtener una lista completa de las clases de acciones emitidas actualmente, incluyendo las categorías de distribución, con cobertura y acumulación, de forma gratuita y previa solicitud, en el domicilio social de la Sociedad.

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Citywire - en el caso de que el gestor del fondo esté calificado por Citywire, la calificación se basa en la rentabilidad ajustada al riesgo durante 3 años.